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Juan Fernandez-Barquin, ESQ.
Clerk of the Court and Comptroller
of Miami-Dade County

Traffic & Parking

If you received a citation, you either received a parking or a traffic citation. Learn which citation you were given and find out your options to pay.


You can come in person to deal with your Traffic matters.

Parking Citations

Parking citations are written to a vehicle found in violation of a County ordinance or state statute. By law, the registered owner of the vehicle is presumed by Florida State Statutes to have received the citation. Parking citations contain a combination of eight numbers.

Traffic Citations

There are two types of traffic citations: a civil traffic infraction and a criminal traffic violation. Traffic citations contain a combination of seven numbers and letters. 

Civil Traffic Infractions

A civil traffic infraction is a case in which a person is suspected of committing a non-criminal traffic infraction. These infractions are classified as either moving or non-moving.These are not punishable by incarceration and there is no right to trial by jury or to court appointed counsel.

Criminal Traffic Violations

A criminal traffic violation is issued in a case in which a person is suspected of committing a traffic violation which is punishable as a misdemeanor offense. A driver can be arrested when charged with a criminal traffic offense.

County Criminal

County Criminal maintains the records of all misdemeanor arrests, certain civil infractions like boating and wildlife violations and municipal ordinance violations and is part of the Traffic/Misdemeanor Division.

Issued citations are reported to other states, therefore citations received in the County may affect the records of driver licenses issued in other states. If you need a clearance for a citation, you may call (305) 275-1111 to obtain a clearance. A $7 fee will be charged.

If you live outside the State of Florida or the United States, it is advisable to check online periodically until the information is in the system. Use the information pamphlet given to you by the officer for assistance.

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